How to Write a README.MD File for Your Project

Rasha Abdulrazzak
3 min readJan 26, 2021 image

A README.MD file is an important file to include in your project. It helps others to understand your project clearly. Also, it’s a sign of a good project. Nowadays, it is almost mandatory to write a README file for any project.

So What is a Readme File?

It’s a text file that includes the necessary information about your project to be understandable. You can write it in any text editor. But nowadays, it is preferable to write it in a markdown language.

What Is the MarkDown Language?

It is a method for writing documents clearly and easily. The markdown formatted document will publish as plain text with any indication of the tags or formatting instructions.

What Does a Readme File include?

  • Description of the project.
  • Table of the content.
  • Examples and screenshots of the outputs.
  • The technologies used with links to their websites.
  • Information about how to use the repository.
  • Resources.
  • How to set up the repository locally.
  • It will be great to have an online website that users check the result.
  • License.
  • Also, a significant section will be how others can contribute to your repository.

The Syntax for Writing a Readme File:

There is a syntax we need to follow to make our file clear for the reader.
We will cover the most used syntax.

  1. Add a Header

There are many levels of header styling as in HTML language. To add a header to your file, you need to include the # sign before the text

# This is the header 

The result will be an H1 header to add a sub-header you can add multiple #

## This is the h2 header
### This is the h3 header
#### This is the h4 header
##### This is the h5 header
###### This is the h6 header

2. Make Text a Bold/Italic Text

We use **text** or __text__to make it bold. Make sure there is no space between the star sign and the text. Also, use *text* or _text_ to make the text italic.

3. Add a Link to Your File

The format is:

[your link name](the actual link) 

The result will be

4. Add a List to the File

To add a list, use numbers for an ordered list and use *, -for an unordered list.

5. Add an Image to Your File

You can add an image to your file in the same way you add it to your HTML file.

<img src='project-img/home.png' width='600' height='400'>
![you got it ](

6. Add Blockquote to the File

Use >text to add a blockquote to your readme file.

7. Use backticks to add inline code.

8. Add a block of code using Ellipsis.

9. Add a horizontal line using triple dashes.

10. To support translation for the right to left languages like the Arabic language, you need to insert &#x202b; before your text or use dir='rtl' in a div block that surrounds your text

Useful Tools to Help You Writing a Readme File:

Wrap up: We mentioned the most used commands for writing a README file. Also, we described the contents of the file. If you think there is another essential command, please refer to them in the comments👇.



Rasha Abdulrazzak

Hi, I am Rasha, a web developer with a background in telecommunications engineering. I live in Istanbul. I am joining the Web.3 as a DIR in NEAR protocol